From the Past Files of The Marcus News
115 Years Ago – 1907
The News has been paying out $30 per week for hired help. The rush is now over and we have dispensed with one person.
H. Francks moved his family into the second story of the building in which the News will move the first of the month.
110 Years Ago – 1912
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Knox are the parents of a duaghter born March 22.
The Olynpic Theatre has been putting on special attractions this week. Monday evening a whistler pleased the large audience and an Italian pianist entertained this week.
239 voters cast their ballots in the local election, with D.S. Twogood elected mayor. Christy Flanagan assessor, W.L. Gund treasurer, Walter Corbett, Perry Miller, Arthur Day, H.h. Niemann, and Clarence Johnson councilmen.
105 Years Ago – 1917
Funeral services were held for Mrs. Hans Rohlfsen Sunday afternoon, who passed away Thursday at the age of 65 years following an attack of pneumonia.
New class offers were elected in the sophomore class Wednesday with Laura Altizer, president, and Clarence Turner as secretary.
Mr. & Mrs. A.E. Wilson returned last Friday and Mr. & Mrs. John Williams cam Saturday from California where they spent the winter.
90 Years Ago – 1932
Mrs. Henry Niemann has donated to the library an interesting little book written by John Bird, former Marcus boy.
A marriage license was issued this week to Alice Johnson and George Neir of Marcus.
Mrs. Hope Niemann wishes to announce a change in postage rates after April 1. There will be no 2-cent letter rate and no 1-cent post card rage from United States to any foreign country.
85 Years Ago -1937
A large crowd attended the 21 boxing matches held in the gym Tuesday evening which introduced the mysterious “masked marvel” who was non other than Kenneth Birch,
Betty Sand had the misfortune of falling on the ice and breaking her collarbone Wednesday morning.
A handsome moose head will be on display at Fred’s Place the next few weeks. The two-year old moose was killed last fall by Lovell and M.C. Simons and Fred Ritchie in Canada.
Paul Trienen will move this week to the farm southeast of LeMars formerly operated by the Late Henry Ludwig Mickey Trienen will continue to operate his father’s farm.
80 Years Ago – 1942
An evening of excellent music is being planned for Wednesday evening under the direction of Elmer Bjornstad by the vocal and instrumental groups of public school at their annual spring concert.
Marcus township Farm Bureau members, their families and friends, were entertained on Monday evening in the Joe Kestel home.
75 Years Ago -1947
Mrs. Charles Meehan was pleasantly surprised Sunday afternoon when twenty of her neighbors and friends came in to help her celebrate her birthday. Mrs. Meehan was presented with a wool blanket for which she graciously thanked the ladies.
A lovely miscellaneous show was held Tuesday afternoon in the Methodist church basement for Dorothy Rose Cave, a bride of the near future.
Sixteen little boys, all classmates and neighborhood friends of Kirk Evans honored him at a birthday party in the parental E.E. Evans home Tuesday afternoon, when he became six years old.
70 Years Ago – 1952
Mayor Nels Pallesen was sworn into his new office at Monday evenings meeting of the town council as was a new member of the council, Harold Stientjes.
Mr. & Mrs. R. N. Niemann are in Chicago this week attending the Seventeenth Annual Conclave of the American Gem Society held in the Sheraton Hotel.
W. J. Robinson, 66, retired Cleghorn merchant, died Wednesday afternoon at four o’clock in the Sioux Valley hospital at Cherokee.
65 Years Ago – 1957
A daughter, Gayle Lynn, was born to Mr. & Mrs. Galen Ducommun March 23.
Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Dill, operators of the two Dill nursing home in Marcus, are making plans to build a new one this spring.
The Neyberg Construction Company has started the new swimming pool project and in the space of days had made it appear as thought the pool will be ready for use before all of the snow is melted away.
60 Years Ago – 1962
Miss Nancy Ellen Cashman, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Cashman of Fairbault, MN became the bride of Henry Joseph Busch, son of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Busch of Marcus on February 24 at the Immaculate Conception church at Fairbault.
Mrs. John Coburn Jr. the former Eva Grauer will appear in the Portland Civic Theatre’s production of “The King and I.” The theatre is made up of amateur actors and actresses.
S/Sgt. and Mrs. Leon Bentz, stationed in Guam with the Air Forces, are parents of a daughter, Stacey Clare, born March 27.
55 Years Ago – 1967
Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Deichmann became the parents of a 6lb. 1 oz. son Friday, March 31. He has been named Daniel Irvin.
Dr. Gary Kluever has joined Dr. Ray Drefke in the practice of veterinary medicine in Marcus.
Jon Dorr, Steve Ogren, Gary Sanow and Mike Schmillen, accompanied by coaches Bride and Martin, represented Marcus in the Class B State Indoor Track Meet held in Iowa City March 31.
50 Years Ago – 1972
Kirk Baumgardner, son of Mr. & Mrs. Merle Baumgardner, has been accepted for a four year Army ROTC scholarship. He plans to attend ISU and later transfer to the University of Iowa.
Miss Kay Willems was complimented by close friends at a miscellaneous bridal shower at the home of Darlys Ferrin on March 29. Mary Downey, Laurie Treinen and Jean Franklin assisted.
Open house was held on Sunday, April 9 for Mrs. Clara Brownmiller in honor of her 90th birthday.
The I-Go Inn, formerly the Dew Drop Inn, is holding its Grand Opening April 8. The new proprietors, Glen and Elva Igou, are hoping to serve their present customers and to meet new ones at this gala event.
45 Years Ago – 1977
James Smith, Secretary Manager of the Western Cherokee Mutual Insurance Association, wishes to invite the public to an open house of the Association’s expanded and remodeled facilities her in Marcus.
Leo “Spike” Delaney, 73, Marcus died Wednesday, March 30 at his home of a long illness. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Paul (Barbara) Graham, four sisters and two brothers.
The Grand Meadow Heritage Center will open for its third summer on Easter Sunday and will remain open until at least December 1.
The Marcus Eaglet highlighted Seniors Rodney Ebert, Michelle Rupp and Steve Dreckman.
40 Years Ago – 1982
The Postal Service will soon begin mail delivery to Southside Apartments, according to an announcement this week by Marcus Postmaster Gerald Pallesen.
Kathy Hueser of Minneapolis, Minnesota, arrived home Wednesday for a week’s visit in the parental Jack Hueser home.
Uncle Sam’s 4th of July parade committee is seeking parade entries, which will take place Monday, July 5, on Main Street, at 2 p.m.
35 Years Ago – 1987
Mrs. Harold Petersen returned Thursday from Florida, after spending nine weeks visiting at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Lloyd and Evelyn Hendrickson, and their families at Sparr, and at the home of her brother, Ron E. Dorr, and his family at Fort Lauderdale.
Kevin Lehan has been elected Chancellor of the Delta Sigma Pi Fraternity, Alpha Eta Chapter, at the University of South Dakota School of Business.
30 Years Ago – 1992
There will be a 90th birthday reception honoring Mary Schulte on Saturday, April 18. The reception is given by her children at the Marcus Golf Course.
David Phipps has filed his nomination papers for the office of Cherokee County Auditor on the Republican ticket.
Joe Cronin, Marcus, announces the engagement of his daughter, Carla, to David Muller, son of Alfred Muller and the late Phyllis Muller. Miss Cronin is also the daughter of the late Marie Cronin. The couple plans a June 13th wedding at Maryhill.
25 Years Ago – 1997
Marine Cpl. Joseph A. Nelson, son of Timothy Nelson of Meriden recently preported for duty at Marine Corps Recruiting Station, In RockIsland, Il.
Leon Pottebaum of Granvill was recently honored at Marcus Lumber’s Contractor Night for 20 years of service.
The MMc Middle School Jazz band competed last Satuday, March 15 at the Okoboji Jazz Festival. Receiving sp;pist awards frp, tjat cp,[etotopm were Joe Rainboth, Bob Bork, Justin Dunn, Matt Dammann and Lindsey Petersen.
20 Years Ago – 2002
Jason and Kathy Jochims are pleased to announce the arrival of a baby girl. Hannah Leigh arrived March 4.
Percy and Bonnie Means spent Easter with her sisters, Sister Mary Donard at Dubuque.