From the past files of The Marcus News
110 Years Ago – 1912
The fire department was called to the Troester Meat Market building where smoke was discovered by O.B. Forbes. A defective flue was responsible for the blaze starting in the garret over the rooms occupied by the George Stoeckes family. The quick action by the fire company and plenty of water in the tower saved the row of wooden-buildings owned by M.C. Evans.
105 Years Ago – 1917
Dr. F.E. Loomis was re-elected president of the school board and Rachel Cook, Margaret Armstrong, Miss Souhn and Anna Reike are among the high school teachers rehired.
Vivian Harvey, Vincent Walsh, Phillip Schmidt and William Dickson signed up for the Army last week.
Six miles of road south of town in Tilden township will be graveled and made into an A grade in spite of the protests of several farmers in that vicinity.
Mr. & Mrs. A. L. Pitts were struck by the I.C. Clipper and both were hurled to the ground a considerable distance, the latter remaining unconscious for over 24 hours.
90 Years Ago – 1932
E.D. Lamb, Tilden township farmer, made announcement Friday that he will enter the Republican primaries next June as a candidate for sheriff of Cherokee county.
Marriage license was issued this week to George Prunty and Delphia Ekbald.
Joe Broblek has purchased the service station located south of the pump station, formerly owned by Jack Dose.
The Marcus Hardware and Hatchery, James Rae and Roy Deshaw, proprietors, held their annual opening of their hatchery department in Marcus Saturday.
85 Years Ago -1937
Dorothy Miller, instructor in the public school at Winthrop, was a guest over Easter vacation in the home of her parents.
A modern oil station is being constructed on south main street by Kenneth Bancroft and Dick Kenny who will handle a complete line of Texas products.
Warren Reed, George Dorr, Lyle Weicht and Paul Hoxie were members of Junior High who participated in the boxing tournament last week.
80 Years Ago – 1942
Mrs. Elsie Walden arrived in Marcus on Monday morning took up her new duties at the News office.
Mrs. N. T. Wells, 91, died in her home in Marcus Monday afternoon following two weeks of illness.
A fire occurred Tuesday afternoon in the home of Mr. & Mrs. Martin Nelson, having been caused by defective wiring.
75 Years Ago -1947
Lillian Rosburg of Marcus and Delmar Drefke of Correctionville bowled 1280 to win high money in the annual mixed doubles tournament at Rex’s Alleys. Drefke repeated, with Mildred Booth as his partner, to win third money. They bowled a 1219.
The new Campbell corn dryer at the local Farmers Elevator was put in operation last Friday, and has been drying corn without interruptions since.
Marcus has a new and flourishing industry in operation, the Petersen Concrete Products Company, established by Harold Petersen. The new concern is housed in the blacksmith building on the south end of Main Street.
70 Years Ago – 1952
Mrs. Will Ament, well known farm wife of this community, had been chosen Mrs. Good Neighbor of Cherokee county and will represent this county at a Mrs. Good Neighbor recognition day in Sioux City, sponsored by the T.S. Martin Store.
Ned Bork, Jr. arrived home last Thursday evening from California to spend a 30 day leave with his parents Mr. & Mrs. Ned Bork. This is his first leave in twenty eight months.
Mrs. Harold Schlenger entertained a number of guests at dinner Sunday evening in honor of Mrs. Lester Sanow’s and her husband’s birthday anniversaries.
65 Years Ago – 1957
Mrs. Martin Nelson returned home Monday after a four month visit in California visiting friends and relatives. She also “attended” the earthquake while there, but suffered no ill effects.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Means are parents of a son born April 1, at Sacred Heart hospital in LeMars.
Joseph Block, junior at Holy Name school, represented his 4-H club at the Live Stock Conservation Day in Sioux City, March 28.
60 Years Ago – 1962
Dick Boever of Marcus, a student at the University of South Dakota won the Winter Bowl tournament over Channel 9 of Sioux City. Dick’s prize was a Dodge Lancer station wagon.
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Nervig are the parents of a daughter, Marilyn Kay, born April 5, at Sacred Heart Hospital in LeMars.
A daughter, Jean Marie, was born to Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Rassel Sunday, April 8 at Sacred Heart Hospital in LeMars.
A/lc Peter Bird was named Airman of the Month at the 861st Radar Station in Aiken, SC for March. Pete is the son of Marion Bird of Marcus.
Lester Avy, Cherokee attorney, presented Mayor J.C. Means a check for $75,000 representing the bequeath of the late Mrs. W.L. Gund to be used to build equip and possibly help maintain a public library for the community.
55 Years Ago – 1967
Pamela Stiles, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stiles of Port Hueneme, CA became the bride of Paul Mayer of Ventura, CA son of Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Mayer of Marcus.
The Marcus Lumber Company is installing a new front on its office and display room. The front faces south and shaded blue glass is being used to help insulate against the summer’s heat.
Ray Walsh, 73, who for many years was a rural mail carrier out of the Marcus post office, died Saturday, April 8 in a LeMars hospital.
50 Years Ago – 1972
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Galles of Ames are the parents of a son born March 30. He has been named Deal Robert.
A fire of unknown origin raged out of control for a while Monday afternoon at the farm home of the Don Short family east of Marcus. The barn located on a farm belonging to Lawrence Rupp.
Ross Aduddell, Betty Cave, Cindy Dorr, Phillip Dorr, Pamela Husman and Greg Weber were confirmed at Peace Lutheran Church.
45 Years Ago – 1977
Kenneth Crandall of Storm Lake is the new manager at the Cleghorn Farmers Coop Elevator, succeeding Curt Woodard who left the position to become the assistant general manager of the Farmers Coop at Creston.
Owner Marv Heese announces Roger Sanow has been hired at Hesse Chevrolet as a sales representative.
Mr. 7 Mrs. Al Harpenau of Remsen are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Pat, to Gary Reuter, son of Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Reuter of Marcus. A September 24 wedding is planned.
40 Years Ago – 1982
Lisa Woltman, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Woltman, is going to the State Bowling Games in Des Moines.
The Children of George and Alice Neir of Hutchinson, Kansas, are honoring them on their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house.
Mr. & Mrs. Percy Means returned home Monday after visiting a week in the Dan Miller home at Longmont, CO the Herb Horacek home at Grand Island, NE and the Harlan Witte home at Pender, NE.
35 Years Ago – 1987
LeRoy “Shorty” Brownmiller, 52, of Marcus, passed away Thursday in a Sioux City hospital.
Students named to the Briar Cliff College dean’s list from this area include: Carol Brady, Laurie Henke and Bret Meister.
Mrs. Vernon Means and Misty and Melissa Means, and Mrs. Alice Geringer attended Grandparents Day at Roosevelt School in Cherokee on Friday for Jenny Means.
On Saturday, Mrs. Lawrence Bass, Marguerite Petry and Fran Gunther attended Westmar’s Founders Day in LeMars.
30 Years Ago – 1992
The Marcus Post Office new handicapped entrance has been recently completed. Wheelchairs can now enter the post office through a door on the west side by using the dipped sidewalk and gentle approach.
Approximately 300 people met Tuesday night to receive the information on the Heartland Care Center project. They reviewed the needs and the goals.
The Marcus and Meriden Cleghorn Boards of Education encourage voters to cast their ballots in favor of the proposed reorganization of the two districts.
Emory and Fern Brandt will be honored with an open house for their 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday, April 25 at Trinity Lutheran Church.
25 Years Ago – 1997
Brian and Mindy Kranig of Mechanieville, IA would like to announce the birth of their second son, Tyler Lee, born March 27.
Aaron Juhl, a junior majoring in Music and Education at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN has been selected to perform with the Gustavus Jazz Lab Band on its 1997 Spring Concert Tour.
20 Years Ago – 2002
Sarah Paine, former Marcus resident, took her turn in carrying the Olympic torch on its way to Salt Lake City to signify the beginning of the Olympics.
Glen “Pete” Petersen, 75, of Marcus died Wednesday, April 10 at his residence after an extended illness. Survivors include his wife Sue, on son and two daughters.
Jim and Joan Coleman returned home Monday, April 8th, after a two month sojourn at Bokeelia, Florida on Pine Island.