From the past files of The Marcus News
130 Years Ago – 1892
Mr. and Mrs. P.B. Nelson celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary with a huge party in their elegant home.
Alfred Nelson of Marcus has invented a corn planter that does away with a check row attachment.
James McIntosh does general blacksmith work at the S.W. corner of Main Street.
125 Years Ago – 1897
IM. Jackson and H. Mankey departed on a 30 day trip south.
W.N. Fry was elected president of the Cherokee County Fair Association for the ensuing year G.M. Barr-Vice President – F.S. Barnes, Treasurer and H.B. Robeson, secretary.
115 Years Ago – 1907
Someone shot a horse in John Knox’s pasture and the horse died. It has prompted the following to publish the following warning: Anyone caught shooting on these premises will be persecuted to the full extent of the law-John Knox, A.A. Goodburn, Flaherty and Bancroft, Fred Wilkens, M.Y. Ames, J.F. Means and Louis
Josephine Franck and A.0. Anderson, both of Marcus, were married at Sioux City. When they arrived in Marcus, via the train, they were greeted by a shower of rice by numerous friends.
110 Years Ago – 1912
Charles Nield died after fighting typhoid fever for three weeks.
Miss Mary Elizabeth Noe and Clarence Dorr were married in the Christian parsonage at Cleghorn on Tuesday, December 10 by Rev. Louis Kopp.
Ethel Nellie Booth and Joseph A. Wailer were married December 11 at high noon in the home of her mother, Mrs. J.R. Booth.
105 Years Ago – 1917
President Wilson is asking for the cooperation of all American people with local and distant draft boards.
Mr. and Mrs. David Ward of Amherst moved into their new modern home in Marcus.
L.M. Miller of Marcus, received a telegram from India telling of the birth of a daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Miller.
Mrs. Christina Digel passed away in her home on December 6.
90 Years Ago – 1932
The large snowslide, 26 feet in height, will be completed soon on the Marcus Playground.
Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Liggett held open house Monday on their 58th wedding anniversary.
Hugo Garvin and Marie Gengler were married Tuesday morning in St. Mary’s Church at Remsen.
Joe Broblek is handling the new Skelly gasoline at his station.
Holy Name high school defeated Alton 16-11 in a hard fought basketball game.
85 Years Ago -1937
Margaret Barry of Marcus and Leslie Lange of Germantown were united in marriage Wednesday evening.
Mildred Cronin and Victor Sitzman were wed in Oyens Catholic Church on November 24.
Dr. M.F. Joynt is driving a new Packard automobile.
Tommy Hueser celebrated his 6th birthday at a family dinner on December 8.
A new furnace and stoker has been installed in the Methodist Church.
80 Years Ago – 1942
Blanche Anderson Snyder passed away Wednesday, December 2 at the age of 26 years. She is survived by her husband, Marsh, a son, her parents, four sisters and two brothers.
Fred Hoover, Jr. of Marcus entered the U.S. Navy on November 17, 1942 as a ship’s cook.
The United States will observe a two day nation wide observance of the anniversary of Pearl Harbor on Sunday, December 6 and Monday, December 7.
Eileen Hamilton and Elmer Bjornstad were united in marriage on Thanksgiving Day, November 26 at Waukegan, IL.
Miss Betty Lou McGee, a student nurse at Sioux City St. Joseph Hospital visited several days in the home of her father, A.E. McGee.
75 Years Ago -1947
Sixth grader, Miriam Christensen, gave a fine oral review of the book “Freckles” by Gene Stratton Porter. She made it sound so interesting that the other pupils are anxious to read it.
The seventh grade students at Marcus Public are learning “The Nativity” a choral reading which will be given at the Christmas party.
Mrs. Carmen Lawrence, Cherokee County Home Economist gave a frozen food demonstration to the ladies of Marcus-Amherst Farm Bureau. It was held in the Municipal Building.
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Rasmussen arrived home after a four month trip to their native Denmark. They came to America over 40 years ago. They visited many relatives in the Copenhagen area.
Leola Straub was honored at miscellaneous bridal shower in the home of Mrs. Dale Bork with Mrs. Irvin Woltman as co-hostess. Leola and Vernon Meyer will be married Sunday, December 14.
70 Years Ago – 1952
Rital Louise Garvin and Airman 2/c Willis Neustrom, both of Marcus, were married Wednesday morning, December 10 in Holy Name Church.
Duane Main, a saxophone player from Marcus Public school placed first in the weekly amateur show.
Mr. and Mrs. Cle Galles and Michael attended a Christmas party for chosen Children in Mr. and Mrs. John Lange home at Paullina.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rosburg of Strom Lake had their daughter, Karen Marie baptized by Rev. R. W. Meyer Sunday. A dinner was held in the Rex Rosburg home.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Seggerman are the parents of an 8 lb. 2 oz. daughter born Saturday. December 6. She has two brothers.
65 Years Ago – 1957
William Hoke and Lee Nafziger, both of Cleghorn, are patients in the Sioux Falls Veteran’s Hospital.
Bauman Home Bakery Here advertises Christmas cookies for 25¢ a dozen and fruit cake 95¢ a pound.
Cleghorn school will hold its homecoming Friday, December 20. They will meet Marcus in the game. Last year’s king, Lester Donaldson and queen Wanda Fuhrman, will crown the new royalty. Jimmy Smith and his orchestra will play for the dance.
The annual Mt. Pleasant ladies Christmas luncheon will be held at the church Thursday, December 12 at 12:30 noon.
Haty Frozen Foods offers Oysters 89¢ pint, Club steak 59¢ lb. and 2 full pounds of frozen strawberries for 69¢.
60 Years Ago – 1962
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoover, Mike and Jim and Mrs. Clarence Wood all spent the Thanksgiving weekend with Lt. Col. and Mrs. Virgil Wirt and Maurice at Colorado Springs, CO. Mrs. Woodall remained for a longer visit.
Ninety one people attended the first father-son football banquet held in the Hotel Lewis at Cherokee.
Virgil Kirchoff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kirchoff of Cleghorn, was named vice-president of the Forsyth Corporation of St. Louis, Mo. Virgil, his wife and son reside at Belleville, Ill.
Alfred Nott, Ruth Crow and Les Smith-all students at Westmar College, are doing their practice teaching in the local school system.
55 Years Ago – 1967
Paul Addy of Long Beach, California, stationed at Fort Benning, GA is spending 5 days of his furlough here with Bessie Addy and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nielsen.
Mrs. Josephine Anderson and Florence visited with Mrs. Lillian Weber at the Paullina Nursing home.
A new census of the town of Cleghorn was taken Monday and Tuesday under the auspices of the Federal Bureau of Census with a representative from the Department of Commerce doing the work.
Walter and Danny Fuhrman will hold a 2-day Public Auction of farm equipment, livestock, grain, feed and 200 acres of land on December 11 and 12 on the farm 4 miles south of Bud’s Station at Cleghorn.
Specials at McKernan’s 3 lb can Butternut coffee $1.99, Royal Jello 10¢ a package, pork roast 49¢ lb and a large head of lettuce 19¢ each.
50 Years Ago – 1972
John Slagter, 86, died December 1 at Cherokee. He was born in the Netherlands and came to the U.S.A. at the age of 18. He lived in Marcus for some time and is survived by 4 sons including Larry of Marcus.
Donna Schuknecht Rassel became the bride of Dennis Specht on December 1.
Langdon Polson suffered second and third degree burns on his hand and arm when a can of varnish ignited.
45 Years Ago – 1977
John Larson, Manager of the Farmer’s Co-op Elevator at Livermore for the past 5 years, is the new Manager of the Cleghorn Farmer’s Co-op.
Lori Bohnenkamp, Ron Seggerman, Tom Wiese, Randy Benton, Keith Branon and Mr. Bertrand attended the 31st annual All State Music Festival on November 17, 18 and 19.
Sandy Goth earned 4 superior ratings and a lavender ribbon at the All Tournament Semi-Finals at the Aurelia Festival on December 3. 140 Students from 12 schools attended.
Miss Mary B. Scott, 83, a lifelong Marcus resident died Wednesday, December 7. She is survived by 2 sisters and 2 brothers.
40 Years Ago –1982
Carroll and Irene Kuehn were honored at parties in honor of their 35th wedding anniversary.
The Cleghorn City Council voted to install a new street light at the east end of Oak Drive in the new residential district. They also decided to order 10 new acrylic American flags to be flown on Main Street.
35 Years Ago – 1987
The Farmers Co-op Elevator will hold a free Centennial dance at the Community Center in honor of their 100 years of continued service. Music will be by The Bandmen and will feature Kathy on the organ Saturday, December 12.
30 Years Ago – 1992
New MMC wall mats have been installed in the high school gym. Funds were furnished by the student council and the school board.
John and Myrtle Dawson will observe their 60th wedding anniversary with a card shower on Dec. 17.