From the past files of the Marcus News
110 Years Ago – 1912
Harry Grauer was quite badly burned at the Imperial Café on Monday morning. He was adjusting a burner, when it went out, causing a flame to shoot our across the room. He was burned on the neck and arms.
J.J, Jungers, 55, was found dead in his room in the Crystal Hotel at Sioux City last Friday morning, His death was caused by illuminating gas.
105 Years Ago – 1917
Clarence Long sustained a serous injury this morning when he started to drive out of the yard and ran into the clothesline.
R.E. McQuin has succeeded W.W. White as local manager of the Edmonds & Londergan lumber and grain business and took charge last week.
The seniors of the Marcus public school enjoyed a hotdog roast on Tuesday evening at the home of Marian Swindle.
85 Years Ago -1937
This year there are about 25 young people from Marcus who have left to purse a higher education.
John Fuller, Lyle Ohlendorf, Ray Bierman, and M.T. Erwin purchased new Fords from Peters Brothers.
Sjostrom Brothers sold their business in LeMars after operating there for 29 years.
Mrs. Arnold Kraft, 22, and daughter Joyce, were killed in an auto accident north of Marcus Thursday evening.
Dorothy McConnell celebrated her 6th birthday Wednesday afternoon in the school.
80 Years Ago – 1942
Work was started last week on the new grain storage bin on the westside of the Dorr Elevator. The new structure is round, 24-ft in diameter and 36 ft. high.
Voters in the general election will cast special ballots on a constitutional amendment, which would make it illegal for the legislature to appropriate money from auto licenses and gas tax for anything but road purposes.
An unexpected blackout blackened the stores, homes and streets of Marcus Saturday night but no enemy plans were observed.
Thomas R. Dalton was killed somewhere in the Pacific Ocean while serving with the U.S. Navy.
A forty-mile speed limit will be enforced on Iowa highway immediately.
75 Years Ago -1947
Mr. & Mrs. Luther Miller announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen Ann to Edgar F. Liddle. The wedding date has been set for October 26.
The Lang building, housing the café and Marcus Motors, is receiving a new coat of paint.
Robert McBride, Janice Mahoney, Judith Ott, Keith Pearson and Ronald Simm were 3rd graders having A-‘s in spelling last week in the Cleghorn School.
Charles and Donald Evans arrived home Sunday evening from Omaha where they have been graduated and given diplomas from Creighton University.
70 Years Ago – 1952
The Nelson Hatchery of Marcus will hold an open house this coming Saturday afternoon and evening at their location a block east of the north end of Main Street.
At a 4 p.m. candlelight wedding Sunday, September 14, in faith Lutheran Church in Pierre, SD, Marilyn Schmming became the bride of George M. Dorr.
Mr. & Mrs. Forrest Booth announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Carole, to Kenneth McQueen.
Neighbors and friends gathered Tuesday at the Roy Johnson farm two miles east and four north of Marcus to combine beans. Mr. Johnson recently broke his right shoulder blade in an automobile accident. Six combines made short work of 40 acres of beans and the ladies served dinner. A week ago another group of men gathered at the farm and took care of a number of smaller jobs that had accumulated since Roy was injured.
65 Years Ago – 1957
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Barry of Omaha are the parents of a son, Richard Vincent, born September 18.
Mr. & Mrs. Bud Bork announce the arrival of a son Scott Keith, born Monday, September 16.
Bus Jenness, who is still on crutches following a fractured foot, is now nursing a fractured hand.
Two new names – Henry Nelson of The Marcus Panatorium and Dr. G.A. Wiedmeier, veterinarian, will appear on the ballot for the coming election of the town of Marcus.
60 Years Ago – 1962
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Drefke announce the engagement of their daughter, Evelyn Lucille to Norman Rassmussen, and Sharon Eileen to Jerry Boots son of Mr. & Mrs. Carl Boots.
Funeral services were held Friday afternoon, September 21, for Edwin A. Brandt at Peace Lutheran Church in Marcus.
Mr. & Mrs. James Lindsay celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday by hosting a dinner at the Normandy in Sioux City.
55 Years Ago – 1967
The First Christian Church in Red Oak was the settling for the September 3 candlelight wedding of Linda Lou Young and John Wankum.
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Weber entertained Friday evening honoring their son, Gregg, on his fifth birthday.
50 Years Ago – 1972
Steve Smith and Steven Powell are members of the Western College Eagles 1972 football team.
Joanne Haines and Lee Mohning were crowned 1972 Homecoming Queen and King.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Carey of Marion are announcing the adoption of a son who arrived at their home October 4.
Lovell Roberson, Sr. bought the duplex in east Marcus known as the Pete Erickson home. It brought $1,050 at auction.
45 Years Ago – 1977
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Johnson are parents of an 8 pound 4 ounce girl born October 12 at Sioux Valley Hospital, Cherokee.
Bert Lehan announce the grand opening of the Lehan’s Foodland on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 6-8. Free coffee and cookies will be served drawings for 10 sacks of groceries plus door prizes and balloons and suckers for children will also be part of the festivities.
40 Years Ago –1982
Bob and Mary Hagey will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary on Friday, October 15, at the Marcus Club House.
The Cleghorn City council met Monday night with members of the library board to discuss a new library and city hall quarters. After a 7” rainfall last week, there is water on the library floor and the books are musty smelling due to the dampness in the bank basement where the library is located.
35 Years Ago – 1987
Charles Knudson and Dennis Brady, local attorneys, have purchased the Phillip Parriott law practice in Remsen. The will staff both offices in Marcus and Remsen full time.
Athletes of the week were Buddy Ricker for football and Geri Lynn Galles for volleyball.
A new business at 322 N. Main is “Linda’s Videos” for loads of entertainment, lots of selections and new releases, drop in and browse.
30 Years Ago – 1992
Rochelle Specht of Marcus and John Gifford of Sydney Australia, are planning a fall wedding.
Bob VandPlaats is the new MMC High School principal. Both he and his wife Darla were born and raised in Sheldon, They are the parents of 2 boys. Hans is 4 and Joshua is 18 months old.
25 Years Ago – 1997
MMC football squad has 14 lettermen returning, with 8 of them seniors and Dave Clayberg as head coach.
Rosalie Brooks, 87, of Marcus died Friday, September 26th after a short illness. Funeral services were held at Holy Name Catholic Church with burial in Grand Meadow Cemetery. Survivors include 2 daughters, a son, 2 sisters and 2 brothers.
20 Years Ago – 2002
Cody Schneider and Brandi Hanson were crowned King and Queen of the Homecoming festivities.
Richard and Lori Schmidt are proud to announce the birth of their son Paul. Paul was welcomed home by siblings Andrew, Travis, Sara, Adrianna and Heather.
Edith Sand will celebrate her 80th birthday at an open house at the Marcus Community Center on October 13.