From the past files of The Marcus News
95 Years Ago – 1927
Ray Meylor, who has been in a hospital in Sioux City for nine weeks, is expected to be able to return home this week. He underwent to operations for appendicitis and his condition was serious for a time.
Paul Carey returned Tuesday from a trip to Omaha. Mr. Carey last week resigned his position at the Marcus Cooperative Store. his successor is Charles Swindle of Cleghorn.
90 Years Ago – 1932
P.J. Stein, proprietor of the “Argonna Cafe,” formerly the Marcus Cafe, which he recently purchased from Jim Brownmiller, is making many changes and improvements in both the interior and front that will make it one of the most attractive eating places to be found in a town of this size.
A very attractive wedding was solemnized in Holy Name church Tuesday morning when Miss Ellen toner become the bride of Aloysious Staver or Quimby.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Dalton are parents of a daughter born Sunday, May 8. The little miss has been named Constance LaRae.
85 Years Ago -1937
Forty-five seniors will receive their diplomas on this Friday evening from the Marcus public high school. This is one of the largest classes in history.
Clarence Mason, 64, passed away Thursday morning may 6, at St. Joseph’s hospital in sioux City. Funeral services were held in the Methodist Episcopal Church here.
Herbert James O’Laughlin, a nephew and namesake of Mayor T. E. Herbert, was a passenger on the ill-fated dirigible, Hindenburg, that crashed in flames late Thursday at Lakehurst, NJ, airport. Mr. O’Laughlin was burned about the face and hands in the disaster, but was able to continue his journey to his home at Riverport, IL.
80 Years Ago – 1942
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Roseen of Cleghorn were honored on their 35th wedding anniversary Sunday.
Mrs. Augusta Wester, 78, passed away at her home in Marcus May 8, following a stroke.
Derald Henderickson, son of Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hendrickson, is acclaimed high honor eighth grade graduation of Cherokee County.
75 Years Ago -1947
Mrs. Ben Saner was pleasantly surprised Wednesday afternoon when sixteen ladies arrived at her home to help her celebrate her birthday. Mrs. Saner was given a handkerchief shower and also received many other nice gifts.
Masons started last week on a four-car garage for M.W. Nagel on the lot south of the Lage Cafe. The structure will be of tile construction with doors to the east. The building is on the west end of the lot, and is being built in such a manner that it may be added on to the east if later desired.
Andrew Scott, 79, passed away at his home in Marcus at six o’clock Wednesday evening, April 30. Mr. Scott suffered a stroke a week ago, and little hope was held for his recovery.
70 Years Ago – 1952
Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Bass left Wednesday for Mexico, where they will spend several weeks and Bill will attended the annual convention of Rotary International as a delegate form Marcus club.
The Wallin Manufacturing Company of Marcus has applied for a patent on a new manure loader and is now marketing its new products.
Mr. & Mrs. Don Rublic of Sidney are parents of a son born May 8. He has been named Rocky Dean.
65 Years Ago – 1957
SP/Lloyd Jorgensen is spending a 30-day leave in the home of his father, Otto Jorgensen. Lloyd has returned from Korea where he served 17 months.
Open house on Sunday, May 19 will be observed at Holy Name convent to mark the completion of the construction of and the residence of the Sisters in the new building.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kestel entertained at a dinner Sunday in honor of Joey Kestel, who received his first Holy Communion at Holy Name church.
60 Years Ago – 1962
Sharon Hagey, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Edger Hagey of Marcus, was awarded the valedictorian honor Wednesday evening at the commencement exercises. The salutatorian award went to Carol Pease, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. William Pease of Pierson.
Larry Kohn, son of Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Kohn, and Marvin Wurth, son of Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Wurth, were chosen to attend the 1962 Hawkeye Boys State by the local post of the American Legion, which with the Commercial Club, sponsored their trip.
A slumber party was held Thursday, May 10 at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Carl Stodden honoring their daughter, Diane on her eleventh birthday. Those present were Marcia Ohlendorf, Rose Ann Miller, Lynnette Ames and Teresa Kauffman.
55 Years Ago – 1967
Mrs. Ruby Gross received her Certified Dental Assistant cap at capping ceremonies held May 1, at the Kirkwood Hotel in Des Moines.
Cpl. Douglas Ohlendorf of the US Marines has been wounded in action in Viet Nam, according to work received by his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Ohlendorf. His eye and his nose had been struck by shrapnel fragments, and he will be coming to the states for treatment in a naval hospital in Chicago.
Mrs. Linda Patterson was dismissed from Sioux Valley Hospital in Cherokee Friday. She is at the home of her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Dunn. Linda had been hospitalized eleven months following an auto accident.
50 Years Ago – 1972
Gary Stodden of Marcus has been initiated into Phi Eta Sigma, the society for freshmen at Morningside College in Sioux City.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Tentinger announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Marilyn Sue to Mark Wood, son of Dale Wood of Marcus. The wedding will take place Saturday, May 27 at Holy Name.
Steve Erdman and Debbie Bork crowned King & Queen at the Junior Senior prom Saturday, May 6.
45 Years Ago – 1977
An miscellaneous bridal shower honoring Jane Bird will be held at Holy Name Hall on May 31.
Harold’s Drug Store was broken into and an undetermined amount of drugs was taken early Sunday morning.
Becky Johnson, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Harold Johnson, will become the bride of Roger Letsche, son of Mr. & Mrs.. Walter Letsche on July 1.
40 Years Ago – 1982
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Klingbell of Marcus are the proud parents of a son born April 22. He has been named Scott Alan and is welcomed home by two sisters Amy and Emily.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bosch of Romesville, IL and Mr. & Mrs. Fred Hoover of Marcus announce the approaching marriage of their children, Mary Bosch and James Hoover on May 28.
35 Years Ago – 1987
Dick Robinson, a Marcus Golf Club leaguer from Meriden, shot a hole-in-one on the 4th hole. Robinson used a 5 wood on the 205 yard 3 par hole.
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Tapper and family, and Mr. & Mrs. Ron Schnoes and family were Mother’s Day visitors in the home of Mr. & Mrs. Ed Schnoes.
Tom Leavitt was the guest of honor at a party at the Roger Leavitt home following his graduation from USD at Vermillion.
30 Years Ago – 1992
Lawrence D. Soens, bishop of the diocese of Sioux City has called Mr. Jerry Bertrand of Marcus to receive holy orders in the ministry of the permanent diaconate.
Josh Dunn, son of Joan Dunn is featured in the Senior Spotlight. Josh plans on attending ISU for accounting.
Future Marcus News subscribers pictured are children, Stacy, 6 -1/2, Jeff 3-1/2, & Robyn 2-1/2 weeks, of Don & Michelle Cave.
25 Years Ago – 1997
Melynda Thelen, daughter of Tom & Sue Thelen, Lincoln, NE, & Jason Rainboth, son of Clark & Vicki Rainboth, Marcus IA, announce their engagement with a August 16 wedding.
Cara Scott, daughter of Gerald & Ervina Scott of Cleghorn, has been named a 1996-97 Dimmitt Scholar at Morningside College in recognition of academic achievement.
Gene & Jan Franck hosted a combination Mother’s Day and birthday dinner in their home. Joining them were Robb & Tammy Franck and Mike & Terri McDaniel, Reagan & Benjamin. Terri was the birthday honoree.
20 Years Ago – 2002
Teresa Hanson is pictured with Governor Vilsack as being honored during National Board Certified Teachers.
Four top readers in Mrs. Hueser’s 5th grade class in Meriden for April were; Miles Wurth with 759 pages, Josh Bush 872 pages, Taryn Godbersen 1009 pages, & Jacob Lehnhoff 1097 pages.
Ann Robinson, Sara & Katie of Cherokee were Sunday dinner guests in parental Bill & Mary McIntosh home.