From the Past Files Of The Marcus News
115 Years Ago – 1907
F.S. Barnes us having a plate glass front put into the building north of his bank. A new floor, shelvingm and a steel celing will be added. The Carey Bros. have rented this building for five years and will occupy it in September.
J.P. Roe has caught the building spirt and is having a five room addition built to his already commdious residence.
110 Years Ago – 1912
Mrs. Selma Swanson will move to Sioux City about July 1 where she will run a rooming house.
Frank Hamilton has purchased a half interest in the Marcus News and will arrive here next week.
105 Years Ago – 1917
Two silos on the Lew Heaton farm and on at Howard Brown’s farm and Joe Ferrin’s farm were blown down by a wind storm Friday.
Rose Downs of Sioux City visited over the weekend with her sister, Mrs. James Meylor.
V. Sjostrom has purchased the C.F. Dwight building on Main Street. This building was erected in 1883 by A. H. Dwight and has been owned by Dr. Dwight for the past seven years.
90 Years Ago – 1932
American Legion Auxiliary sold $62.69 worth of poppies here.
Mrs. Peter Juhl passed away Sunday. Her husband and four children including Eda and Jep of Marcus survive her.
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Nelson are parents of a son born at the Sacred Heart Hospital in LeMars.
85 Years Ago -1937
Early Sunday morning Joe Broblek’s filling station in east Marcus was broken into and robbed.
Kay Kyser and orchestra will play at the Cobblestone ballroom at Storm Lake Tuesday and will feature a song written by Rae Wright, former Marcus girl and society editor for the news.
200 bushels of corn were stolen from a crib owned by Tony Miller, farmer living west of Marcus.
80 Years Ago – 1942
Mildred Pletschette of LeMars was united in marriage to Leonard Bindner in St. Joseph church at LeMars on Tuesday.
Margaret McGivern fell Friday at her home, breaking a large bone beneath the knee.
Jerry Peters will leave Tuesday for Santa Moncia, CA, where he will visit his brother, David.
Jean Bass filled the secretarial position left by Leona Seegar in the Mark Bancroft office.
75 Years Ago -1947
Jake Dixson has purchased the Standard business on the north end of Main Street from Dale Painter.
Mrs. Dolly Woltman of Cherokee has accepted a position as night operator for West Iowa Telephone Company in Marcus.
Craig Dorr accepted a position in t he Clarkson Grocery, beginning work Monday, Craig is a graduate of Marcus High School this year.
Lorraine Schroeder is advertising the opening of her new beauty shop. It will be called The Beauty Box and is located on the second floor of the McGivern building.
70 Years Ago – 1952
Open house was held in Nazareth Lutheran church parsonage honoring Rev. and Mrs. John Christensen on their silver wedding anniversary.
Dr. and Mrs. L.L. Norris received a telegram that their son, Paul, had arrived in New York after three years of service in various points in Europe.
65 Years Ago – 1957
Dr. & Mrs. L. L. Norris entertained at dinner following the commencement exercises at Holy Name church in honor of their son, John, a member of the class.
A nine-pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schmillen May 26. He has been named Douglas Donald.
Barbara Mouw, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Russel Mouw, left for Rockland, Maine, via bus where she has accepted a summer position as a waitress in the exclusive Maine ocean resort area.
The town of Cleghorn will be host to the Northwest Iowa rose show in the school gym and from past events some 5,000 people will visit the show.
60 Years Ago – 1962
Sharon Skaggs, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Skaggs of Cleghorn, was one of 28 nurses to be capped in the capping exercises at the Methodist hospital in Sioux City.
Monday evening Mr. & Mrs. Harold Jenks were honored at a barbecue given by the employees at McKernan’s store and held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. John McKernan.
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Horstman are the parents of a seven pound five ounce son, Robert William, born May 23.
Bob Flanagan, son of Mr. & Ms. Earl Flanagan, recently returned from Germany where he spent four months.
55 Years Ago – 1967
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Seggerman became the parents of a 8lb. daughter June 2. She has been named Stephanie Jean.
Jerry Bindner returned home June 5 after a yearlong tour of duty in Viet Nam.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Irwin of Washta announce the engagement of their daughter, Alayda to Phillip Ladenthin, son of Mr. & Mrs. Harold Ladenthin of Marcus.
Leland Hogue, Craig Dorr, Jack Clarkson, and Roger Leavitt returned home from a fishing trip to Canada with a good catch being reported.
50 Years Ago – 1972
Dr. Ronald Galles, who recently graduated from Iowa State, has joined the Veterinary staff of Drs. Drefke and Kleuver.
Mrs .Robert Richeal entertained at a birthday party in the home of her parents Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Schlenger, honoring her son Robert, on his second birthday.
Roger T. Leavitt was the Senior Citizen for June.
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Beerman of Marcus will observe their 50th wedding anniversary on June 18.
45 Years Ago – 1977
The Holy name CCD Children, grades 1 through 5 lined up in preparation for the march to the Marcus Park to participate in the Jubilee Field Mass. Place cards worn showed the years they represent of the 100 years of Holy Name Church.
Linda Hanson, a senior at Marcus Community High School was the recipient of the $350 cash Gund Memorial Award given to the highest honor student of the top ten percent of the class.
Faith Lutheran Church honored Helen Nelson as she concluded her service as organist for congregation, with a gift presented to her.
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Alesch are the proud parents of a baby boy, Gerald, born May 27th at the Sioux Valley Hospital. He weighed 6 lbs. 8 oz.
40 Years Ago – 1982
Cleghorn Lions Club members recently erected a sign at the edge of Cleghorn on Highway 3 and another on the west edge for churches and organizations to place their logos,
Marcus Veterinary Clinic announces the appointment of veterinarian Jon Stowater to their staff. Jon is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Loren Stowater.
35 Years Ago – 1987
Judy Fischer, a 1981 graduate of Marcus Community High and Larry Stawther of Sugar Land, TX are planing a July 11th wedding there, where they will make their home.
Mr. & Mrs. Merritt Jenness of Marcus will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday, June 21, in their home, hosted by their children and families.
Dr. Wiese is recovering from Orthopedic surgery at St. Luke’s Hospital in Sioux City.
30 Years Ago – 1992
Pat Reuter has completed a six week realtor course and is now a salesperson for Harpenau Realty in Remsen.
The Marcus Fire Department and Rescue Unit will hold an open house on Sunday, June 7, in the Fire Station so the public can view the new fire truck purchased in February.
The first service in the new Grace United Methodist Church was held May , 1967. Mike Moats was the first baptism and the first marriage was Cheryl Schlenger to Robert Richeal.
25 Years Ago – 1997
On Tuesday, May 27, Bev Nelson, kindergarten teacher at MMC, was honored with a retirement coffee at the Cleghorn Library. Bev has been a teaching for our school systems for 28 years.
Opening night of the Marcus Golf Course, three gentleman were recolonized for their many years of service to the golf course. The gentlemen honored were Fred Hoover for 33 years, Gordon Roese for 29 years and Ray Flanagan for 11 years.
Dr. Ostercamp, a family physician at SVMA demonstrated to the MMC elementary school the cost of smoking-terms of financial cost, short and long term effects.
20 Years Ago – 2002
Mike and Darcie Olson of Paullina are proud to announce the birth of a daughter on May 4 at the Orange City Hospital Health System. She has been named Faith Marie.
Jeremy Grzywa, son of Rick and Gail (Theisen) Grzywa, was among five young men who achieved their Eagle Scout status at a ceremony at St. Columille Catholic Church in Papillion, NE on April 28. Jeremy is the grandson of Joe and Joan Cronin.
Michelle (McLaughlin) Coombs and Michael Meyer were united in marriage on Sunday, April 20 at Trinity Lutheran Church.