Flooding is Challenging Agricultural Producers Financially
There is little doubt that agricultural producers who experience flooding are affected financially, and Beth Doran, Iowa State University extension beef specialist, encourages affected livestock producers to contact their local Farm Service Agency office immediately.
“FSA offices are gathering information pertaining to flood damage,” she said. “This includes any livestock losses, forage/grazing losses, or damaged pastures due to recent flooding.”
In addition to writing down losses, Doran said producers should take pictures of damage or dead animals to verify the losses.
“This information will help determine what programs may be available in the county and what documentation and certification will be required when applying for indemnification or assistance,” she said.
Crop producers also should contact FSA to report crop acres affected by recent flooding. This reporting assists FSA in determining which programs might be available. Be prepared to provide the section/township and a detailed description of the damages, such as number of acres under water/flooded, damage to fences, and silt or debris. Photos of fields and crops also are encouraged.
For more flood information and research-based resources suitable for farmers and livestock producers, visit https://www.extension.iastate.edu/disasterrecovery/flooding-farm or for cattle producers, the Iowa Beef Center has a listing of flood-related resources pertaining to cattle at www.iowabeefcenter.org/floodresources.html.