From the Past Files Of The Marcus News
105 Years Ago -1918
Sgt. Earl Snyder has been stationed at Arcadia, Calif., where a new aviation camp has been established.
The Idle Hour Theatre is showing the play “The Kaiser” July 27, starring Rubert Julian.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. George were given a surprise on their 25th wedding anniversary Thursday evening.
Walter I. Sylvester and Peter J. Flynn were selected to be sent to Austin, Tex., for training as auto mechanics.
Phil Schmidt, Lloyd Evans, Walter Dickson, Vince Walsh and Elmer Anderson of the Rainbow division are doing brilliant work on the battlefields of France.
A team, driven by a young son of Frank Rubbert, became frightened Saturday and tore down the town flag pole.
100 Years Ago – 1923
Myrne Wixcel became the bride of William Raymond Smith of Des Moines Sunday in a lovely home wedding.
Mrs. Kate Zangger was married on the fourteenth of this month to Fred Folland of Ottumwa.
Uoyd Booth of Cleghorn and Marie Bennet of Leeds were married on Wednesday.
A son, Lyle Wilmer, was born July 22 to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schlenger, on his mother’s birthday.
Mildred Mossman won first place in the Bible reading division of the contest at Onawa in June.
The Geiger Construction Company entertained the Rev. Ilten and J. Stowater families Tuesday at a lawn party.
95 Years Ago -1928
Martin Grauersen, Peter Miller Jr., Stanley Addy, John Dose, H. E. Means and Henry Digel registered new cars this week.
Elizabeth Dorr attended an announcement party in honor of Blanche Wirt and Jack McCullen at Storm take.
Mrs. Gussie Keogan and Florence of Esconaba, Mo., visited this week with Marcus relatives and friends.
Florence Hendrickson was honored at a surprise birthday party July 24.
Mrs. Rebecca Miller held the W.C.T.U. annual lawn party at her home Friday.
Ruth Rosburg and Louene Birch returned from a visit with friends in Chicago and Charles City.
85 Years Ago -1938
Florence McNutt, who has been demonstrating Wear-Ever Aluminum Products here, departed for Cherokee this week.
Clark Gable, Myrna Loy and Spencer Tracy star in Test Pilot” showing in the Lyric Theatre.
Mr. arid Mrs. Floyd Hamilton, Ardyth and Wilson will leave Marcus after a residence here of 28 years.
Mrs. John Ohlendorf passed away July 24 in the Iowa City hospital after many weeks of illness.
A new manager of the Community Coop Oil Company will be selected at a meeting succeeding Albert Dorr who served 8 years.
Stanley Caauwe left for Sac City where he purchased a half interest in an ice cream parlor.
Nagle Bros. Offer a variety of used cars for sale this week including a ’38 Chevrolet, ’37 Terroplane, ’39Chevrolet and ’30 Hudson Super 6.
Ed Delaney has made extensive improvements in the Lyric Theatre this week featuring Nu-wood walls and special lighting effects.
80 Years Ago – 1943
Deana Faye Brandt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brandt, was baptized in the German Lutheran Church with her Grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Brandt as sponsors.
A group of neighbors shocked 40 acres of oats for Roy Woodall Sunday in 2 hours. There is a labor shortage and Roy’s son is bedfast, so the neighbors performed the good deed.
Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn star in Keeper of the Flames” showing in the Lyric.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Walker are parents of a daughter born July 23 in the Le Mars hospital.
Births were announced this week to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brady, a daughter on July 26; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Rasmus, a daughter on July 21; Mr. and Mrs. Wilken Paulson, a girl, July 16; and Lt. and Mrs. B. J. O’Laughlin, a girl on July 19.
75 Years Ago -1948
William Garvin, 85, a Marcus area resident since 1876, passed away Sunday after a short illness. Survivors include his wife, a sister and 2 brothers. Services were held in Holy Name Church with burial in the church cemetery.
Ruth M. Okersirom of LeMars and Laurence Bass of Marcus were married Thursday evening, July 15th, in the Bass residence in Marcus. They will reside in Marcus.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Aim of Cleghorn are announcing the engagement. and approaching marriage of their daughter, Doris, to Mr. George Gottsche Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. George Gottsche, also of Cleghorn.
70 Years Ago -1953
After 27 years, the Satterlee Pharmacy has been sold to Harold Ladenthin of Sioux City. Harold has been the pharmacist at the Lutheran Hospital at Sioux City. He, his wife and 2 children will move here as soon as suitable housing can be found.
Art Slagter pitched a one hit softball game to help the Marcus Merchants defeat the Sioux City Cowboys, 10-0 Sunday night. Bob Wallin pitched the Merchants to a 10-2 victory over the Green Lantern team from Cherokee Tuesday evening.
Barbara Lee Johnson and her brother, Ray, of Marcus spent several days visiting their cousin, Ginger Ann Treptow at Cleghorn.
65 Years Ago -1958
1,152,525 bushels of 1957 corn has been sealed in Cherokee County. The loan price is $1.33 per bushel.
Edith Marie Olson and Donald Enneking of Meriden were married Friday, June 1st at Elk Point, S. D. They will make their home in Seattle, Washington.
Cherokee and Cleghorn ladies from the Church of Christ chartered a bus and visited Boy’s Town and The Child’s Saving Institution in Omaha and the Deaf Institute at Council Bluffs. They help support the missionary work at those places.
60 Years Ago -1963
Clarence “Bud” Van Velzen has assumed full operation of the Marcus Locker Plant. It will be called “Bud’s Lockers”. He has worked there for 2 years.
The Marcus Community School Band will play their last summer concert Friday evening at 8:00 p.m. at the Playground. John Graham and Lynn Gross will be guest conductors.
Linda Ann Bindner of Alton and David Galles of Marcus were married Saturday, July 13, in St. Joseph’s Catholic Church at Granville. They will be at home in LeMars.
55 Years Ago -1968
Sgt. Thomas M. Kerr returned June 27th after a years tour of duty at Phu Cat AFB, Vietnam. After spending a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kerr, in Marcus, he will report to Norton AFB, San Bernardino, Ca.
Dick Edwards of Sand Seed Service, Marcus, completed a 3-day dealer school at Muscatine.
The Cleghorn Christian Church observed its 75th anniversary Sunday, July 21. Reverend LaVern Kinzel, a former minister there, was a guest speaker.
50 Years Ago -1973
Mrs. Wynn Speece, Your Neighbor Lady, heard on WNAX 570 for 32 years, will be the cooking demonstrator at the Marcus Fair, Friday, August 21.
Miss Mary Kasperbauer of Omaha and Dwight Hazen of Cleghorn will be married August 18, at Manning, Iowa.
L.A. Laws will hold a Public Auction of his household goods on Friday, August 3 at 6:00 p.m. He is now residing in Minnesota.
45 Years Ago – 1978
MEDCO salutes the Marcus Golf Club with Frank and Kathryn Burch as managers, Vince Garvin as green’s superintendent and Maxine Ludwig as bartender. They have 175 members this season
Dr. Jerry Van Es has joined the staff at the Marcus Medical Association and will be there Friday afternoons. Dr. Jim Powell will be there on Monday afternoons and Dr. Doorenbos will be there Wednesday mornings.
The Big Booth held its Grand Opening Thursday, July 27th with specials and many door prices.
40 Years Ago –1983
Bob and Ginny Manning are the parents of their first child, a 51b. 5 oz. daughter named Ashley Renea, born Saturday, July 23.
Duane Smith is pictured with a 7 foot tall, 450 pound black bear, he shot. The bear tried to join Duane, Jerry Pallesen and Fred Cerwick in their cabin on the Albany River in northern Ontario, Canada.
Lyle Schlenger was surprised on his 60th birthday when 50 area relatives and friends gathered at the Marcus Park Friday evening, to hell) him celebrate. His wife, Hope, and the family hosted the party.
35 Years Ago – 1988
Fran and Roxanne Galles are the parents of an 81b. 2oz. son, named Austin Lee, born July 18. He has a brother, Ryan Michael, at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wurth, Todd and Tyler of Colorado Springs, Co. were weekend visitors in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bud