From the past files of The Marcus News
115 Years Ago – 1907
Mrs. Mary Powell of Cherokee purchased the Hotel Marcus from William Kramer and has taken charge of it.
Bad weather prevented the old public school building from being moved until later.
Mrs. Clara French and Russ Barnes wer married June 26, Wednesday afternoon in the Methodist church in Cherokee, where they will make their home.
110 Years Ago – 1912
Lola Raw of Marcus was united in marriage to Jesse Ewer of Sioux City Wednesday evening.
Dr. T. Knox will be married today in Marshalltown to Miss Madge Ellsworh.
105 Years Ago – 1917
Olie Strathult, America’s most popular Swedish comedian, is opening Saturday, July 14, at the Marcus opera house.
Anton Schafer sod his 2,000 acre farm in Liberty township to Ed Heins of Calumet.
On June 26, julian Evans was united in marriage to Ella Souhan. The wedding took place in holy Name Catholic Church.
90 Years Ago – 1932
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the incorporation of the town of Marcus, a homecoming event will be held in August.
Joe Alesch a farmer living near Marcus, was attacked by a bull after it had been thrown into a fit of temper. It attacked him without warning and threw him down. He and his brother, Lawrence, took refuge in a stock tank until help came.
Mrs. August Johnson has a fine crop of strawberries this year, having picked 70 quarts of berries.
85 Years Ago -1937
Helen Niemann, accompanied by Esther Evans of Sioux City and Mrs. J.P. Evans will leave for a vacation trip to Chicago, Niagra Falls and Canada.
Relatives honored Mr. & Mrs. William Hoxsie on their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday at the Legion Hall.
On highway 5, five miles west of Marcus, John Delperdang and family without lights on their car were repairing a flat tire. Cars were coming from both east and west the one from the east, driven by Frank Lenertz, sideswiped the Delperdang car.
80 Years Ago – 1942
The marriage of Viola Collins and Ronald Waggoner was performed in Holy Name rectory Sunday morning.
The Dierking Market is enjoying a new awning which was placed last Friday.
Archie Walton received minor injuries and a bad scare last Saturday afternoon when he was hit on his bicycle by a car.
75 Years Ago -1947
The large window and glass in the street door of Lang’s Cafe was broken early Wednesday morning by a prowler, who was frightened off before he could make entry in to the café.
Darrell Weicht will visit Portland, Oregon, July 13-18 aboard the Destroyer USS Collett for the Grand National convention of Order of Elks.
Damage mounting into the thousands resulted from a lighting bolt which struck the Marcus Public school building Sunday.
70 Years Ago – 1952
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Steffen announce the arrival of a daughter, Marcia Louise, July 6.
Vivian Harvey passed away at Sacred Heart hospital in LeMars Saturday morning following a lingering illness.
J.R. (Dick) Bird and Jerry Ballard attended the state convention for the catholic Order of Foresters at Independence Saturday to Monday.
65 Years Ago – 1957
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Bentz are parents of a baby girl born Saturday July 6.
The new Marcus nursing home, built by Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Dill, is now in operation.
The employees of West Iowa Telephone Company honored Mrs. John Pedersen at a surprise pink and blue shower June 18.
A freak fire did a substantial amount of damage at the L.D> Simons home in Marcus Wednesday afternoon.
60 Years Ago – 1962
Alfred Nitzsche announces the engagement of his daughter Susan Kay to Charles Kirchner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Kirchner of Sioux City.
Nine year old Marilyn Tentinger, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Tut Tentinger, is in St. Joseph hospital in Sioux City, as a result of a broken arm.
Work on the construction of the new medical center here is in full swing.
Dale Lynn has leased the Joe Wankum building on north Main Street and is making preparations to open a feed store in the near future.
55 Years Ago – 1967
Sunday afternoon for the first time in some nine years, hail did a substantial amount of damage in this community.
The Golden Slipper became “Woody’s this week with the complete rebuilding of the front of the Marcus tavern.
The Ray Dohman family, former employees of the Dorr Farms, left for New Prague, Minnesota, to make their home.
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Letsche announce the arrival of their first child, a son Kirk Alan, born on July 3.
Sixteen members of the Marcus Public high School Class of 1957 met at the Chalet Saturday evening, July 1, for their ten year reunion.
50 Years Ago – 1972
Mrs. Mona I. Dorr, 65, of 207 W Elm St. in Cherokee died Wednesday noon, July 5 at Sioux Valley hospital after a short illness.
An open shower honoring Virginia Irwin will be held at the Meadow Star Church on July 12.
Mr. & Mrs. David Klingborg of Des Moines are parents of their first child born June 12.
Mr. & Mrs. Hans Delaney were guests of honor at a family dinner Sunday on the occasion of their 45th wedding anniversary.
45 Years Ago – 1977
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Roberson Sr. celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary June 28.
Neal McIntosh, Cleghorn, was named to the Dean’s list at the University of Northern Iowa for the spring semester.
Mr. & Mrs. Elner Herzberg are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter Linda to Ron Suva.
40 Years Ago – 1982
Christy Theisen and Scott Carlson were married June 4, at Holy Name Church, Marcus.
Keith Tentinger, infant son of Mr. & Mrs. Bucky Tentinger, arrived home Sunday after a stay at St. Luke’s Regional Medical Center in Sioux City following his birth.
Mary Schulte returned home Thursday form a ten day visit in the home of her son, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Schulte and family, at Cedar Rapids.
35 Years Ago – 1987
The Farmers Cooperative Elevator of Marcus was recently presented the Master Dedication to Quality Award by Cenex/Land O’Lakes Ag Service, Inc. of Ft. Dodge.
Ron Seggerman, son of Mr. & Mrs. Bob Seggerman, has been appointed as Assistant Choral Conductor for the Lamont School of Music at the University of Denver.
Angel Carney hooked a landed a 5 1/2 pound walleye on opening day at Loon Lake, MN.
30 Years Ago – 1992
Steve Smith, secretary of Western Cherokee Mutual Insurance, was elected to a three-year term as a director for Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Company during the company’s 84th annual meeting.
Dr. Ron Collins returned Wednesday from an eleven day trip to Russia.
Sixty five employees and family members of Marcus Lumber enjoyed the fourth annual company picnic at Jim & Belinda Leavitt’s home Sunday. Volleyball and other games were enjoyed after which a delicious picnic supper was held.
The family of Laurence and nita Johnson hosted a 50th wedding anniversary celebration fot them on Sunday June 28, in teh Mcarcus Community Center.
After spending 13 years working at teh Marcus Oil and Supply Co. Randy Hanson is now employeed at Means Oil. Marcus Oil closed its business.
25 Years Ago – 1997
Marvin Schwarz, 63, died Tuesday, June 24.
The Marcus Fair will hold a fireworks at the Fair and not on the 4th of july this years.
Skip and Irene Worden completed their trip to Europe, a 50th wedding anniversary gift from their family. They followed Skip’s path in WWII and relived those memories.
20 Years Ago – 2002
Troy Brick joined the staff at the Marcus and Remsen Veterinary Clinics.
Tyler Mathis, found a prehisoric shark’s tooth in the gravel at the elementry school while out for recess. the Sanford Museum has identified the tooth to be from the Mesozic Period or approximately 350 years old.