Fron the past files of The Marcus News
105 Years Ago – 1917
George Beaton is driving a new 5 passenger overland car.
Mayor Charles Addy is the first citizen in town to have new potatoes.
Dr. E.S. Smith went to Cleghorn where he opened a dental office.
O.W. Ekblad announces a full line of machinery needed by farmers in the haying season.
90 Years Ago – 1932
Harriet Gordon of Cleghorn and George Elschen of Maryhill were united in marriage at Holy Name Church Wednesday morning.
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Nelson are parents of a son born Sunday at the Sacred Heart Hospital in LeMars.
Evelyn Dorr, Lucille Barnes, Walter Miller and George Johnson received second place in class C of high school academic tests in this district.1
85 Years Ago -1937
Nick Geringer, 64, a pioneer resident of Marcus, died Thursday morning after a lingering illness of diabetes.
Marcus will not receive the PWA grant for a paving aid.
Roobert Roberts and William Garvin have been named as constables for Marcus township.
Marcus Merchants ball team defeated Remsen by a 4 to 3 score on Memorial Day.
Two tennis courts at the Marcus playground will e put in shape and marked of this week.
80 Years Ago – 1942
Mrs. J.W. Nield passed away Wednesday night following a year’s illness. She is survived by two sons and two daughters.
Lorine Specht as valedictorian and Paul Norris as salutatorian, won honors in the senior class of Marcus high school this year at the annual commencement exercises.
Mary Weber left to enter nurses training at St. Joseph’s hospital at Sioux City.
President Roosevelt signed a bill assuring men in the armed forces of a minimum of $50.00 a month.
A surprise picnic dinner was held in the Emil Ebert home Sunday in honor of Marlys on her birthday.
75 Years Ago -1947
Charles Beaston, Donald Grauer, Phillip Bird, and Jack Hueser attended the 4-H camp at the Walther League camp grounds at Lake Okoboji.
Lorraine Schroeder is opening a new beauty shop, it will be called the Beauty Box and is located in the second floor of the McGivern building.
Earle Gill will start his vacation from his duties as rural mail carrier. J.C. Means will take over the route in his absence.
70 Years Ago – 1952
Rev. Lawrence Flanga, S.J., son of Mr. & Mrs. James Flanagan of Marcus, was ordained a priest of the society of Jesus, at Immaculate Chapel of St. Mary’s College on St. Mary. KS, on June 19.
Jerry Stock has purchased the former Ray Puhrman home in east Marcus. Mr. & Mrs. Puhrman and family left for their new home at Tacbma, WA.
Jack Apel has purchased the Popcorn Emporium which has been operated by C.F. Beck and sons along Main Street of Marcus for many years.
Allen Grauer, received his agriculture economics and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from Iowa State.
65 Years Ago – 1957
Mrs. Wendell Rainboth entertained Tuesday at a handkerchief show honoring Mrs. Lorne Schlenger on her birthday.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Addy announce the arrival of an son born June 13, at Sacred Heart hospital in LeMars.
John Boever, son of Mr. & Mrs. John Boever, recently received a bachelor of science degree in business administration, majoring in accounting.
60 Years Ago – 1962
Grim tragedy struck rural Marcus home this week, when little Frances Seggerman, five year old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Bob Seggerman, died early Tuesday morning from burns early Tuesday morning from burns received the preceding Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Bird are the parents of a son, Patrick William, born June 13, at Sacred Heart Hospital in LeMars.
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Heesch received a telephone call from their son, LaVerne, in California. LaVerne is a sergeant in the Army and was one of the group assigned to aid in the capture of the prisoners who escaped from Alcatraz.
55 Years Ago – 1967
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Brady and sons attended graduation of their daughter, Linda, from the Medical Institute of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Miss Brady has accepted a position as lab and x-ray technician at Ridgeway Hospital in Wisconson, Minn.
On April 30 the members of Grace Methodist Church worshipped for the last time in the church built in 1900.
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Bork entertained in their home Monday evening honoring their son, Neal on his 16th birthday.
50 Years Ago – 1972
Mr. & Mrs. Merritt Jenness were honored on their 25th wedding anniversary. The open house was hosted by their children Gloria, Susie, Sally, Tony and Dawn.
An open miscellaneous shower was held in Holy Name Hall Thursday evening, June 15, in honor of Pam Wittkop of Cherokee, bride elect of Dennis Husman of Marcus.
David Peterson, who returned home from a ten month tour of duty in Viet Nam, is now stationed in Virginia after spending a 30 day leave.
45 Years Ago – 1977
Mrs. Josephine Alesch and her identical twin sister, Mrs. Ben Mairose of LeMars, attended the 25th annual Hawkeye Twins Chapter of Iowa Inc. convention in Sioux City on Saturday, June 18th. There were 68 pairs of twins attending.
Joseph Dempsey, a resident of Bellevue for 35 years, passed away at his home. He was 79. Mr. Dempsey, a World War I veteran was born in Marcus.
Joel Hansen of Fairfax returned to his home Thursday with his father, Eldon Hanson, after spending five days with his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Birch.
40 Years Ago – 1982
Brad Geringer caught a “Big Ole Yellow-belly” bullhead in the Little Sioux River at Martins Access. The fish weighed just a shad over two pounds.
Margaret Martens of Yankton was a weekend guest in the parental John Fry home and returned her daughter, Jenny, home with her after at two week visit with her grandparents.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Deichmann spent last week vacationing at Webb Lake Lodge in Hackensack, MN, owned and operated by Boots and Betty Wallin.
35 Years Ago – 1987
Tut Tentinger received a plaque award of having driven a “Million” miles without an accident. “Tut is a recent retiree of the United States Postal Department.
Jim Glackin was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant by the U.S. Army at graduation ceremonies from United States Military Academy at West Point, NY.
Elise Slagter, Loren Stowater, and Rev. Martin Reed of Faith Lutheran will delegates to the constituting assembly of the Western Iowa Synod of the newly formed Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
30 Years Ago – 1992
Larry Field, has become the new manager of community Co-op Oil Co.
Lee Mohning is walking around in a cast these days. Lee was sliding into third bas, and when he hit the pegged base and received three broken bones in his ankle and another break about 3 inches below the knee. Lee said he wouldn’t feel so bad about it, but he would have been safe with out sliding.
25 Years Ago – 1997
After serving Marcus are postal patrons for over 30 years, Fred Wilkens will retire from the U.S. Postal Service on July 3. Fred began his postal career August 15, 1966, as a clerk in the Marcus Post Office. He became postmaster in 1989.
Mark Roether has purchased a lot of Corky’s inventory. Parts available to repair most lawn mowers, snow lowers and weedeaters. Will be open 2 days a week until business warrants. Mark’s Electric.
After 24 years in business. Sue Briese has sold Sue’s Cafe in Cleghorn to Carl and Mike Huffman, also from Cleghorn. New ownership went into effect Monday, June 16. The new name is Carol’s Cafe.
20 Years Ago – 2002
Ron and Pearl Henke of Marcus announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Jamie, to Kory Alesch, son of Jim and Meg Alesch of Marcus.
Christian and Amy Bork of Sioux City announce the birth of their daughter, Kennedy Elayne, on March 25.