From the Past Files Of The Marcus News
110 Years Ago – 1914
The cottage owned by Mr. & Mrs. Frank Geringer and located in the southwest part of twon has been sold to Thomas Roberts, who paid $550 for it.
Otto Schneider will hodl a public sale at the Gund farm 4 miles east of Marcus on Wednesday. December 9. Nine head of horses, 46 head of cattle, 50 Duroc spring shoats and farm machinery will be sold.
The first married folks dance for this season was held at the opera house on Tuesday evening with about sixty people in attendance. The music was furnished by Collins harp orchestra.
Ralph Turner has moved his panatorium equipment to the Dan Collins building on the east side of Main Street. The building is undergoing repairs, including a new floor.
105 Years Ago -1919
Otto Jorgensen, a well known farmer of this vicinity, reached home on Sunday afternoon from a five week visit with his parents and old friends in Assence, Denmark. Accompanying him home were his two sisters, Sine and Sane, his brother Lawrence and a nephew Rasmus who have come to make their home in this land.
Anton Anderson, a farmer of this locality, did not spend Armistice Day in a very pleasant manner. He fell from a wagon breaking his left arm.
A baby girl put in an appearance at the Joe Alesch home Sunday evening.
100 Years Ago – 1924
Mr. & Mrs. W.E. Simons were honored at a surprise party Wednesday on the 50th wedding anniversary planned by Mrs. Melvin Simons and Mrs. Lovell Simons.
Mrs. Rose Synder, former resident of the community, passed away at her home at LeMars Friday morning.
B.W. Holman of Watertown, Minnesota is now connected with the Exchange Bank of Marcus having arrived recently to take the position made vacant by the resignation of Walter Meyer.
One hundred and sixteen sons were present at the second annual banquet staged by a local Odd Fellows at their hall Thursday evening November 20.
95 Years Ago -1929
Death claimed Mrs. Grace Hyndman at her home east of Marcus Wednesday evening. Mrs. Hyndman had been ill for several weeks.
Funeral services for Olaus Ekblad were held Monday in the Lutheran church at Odebolt.
Fire of unknown origin caused considerable damage to the Clarence Sand home north and east of Marcus Thursday night. Neighbors formed a bucket brigade and succeeded in keeping the blaze under control until the arrival of the fire department.
Joseph Bierman passed away November 30 at his home after years illness. He is survived by his wife and six sons, Ron, Harry, Joe, Frank, George and Elmer.
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Johnson entertained twenty relatives and friends at a goose dinner Monday in honor of their 26th wedding anniversary and their granddaughter Louise’s first birthday.
Dr. and Mrs. J.A. Given are the parents of a baby girl born on Sunday, December 1.
85 Years Ago -1939
Funeral services form Mrs. Anna Simons who passed away at her home Tuesday were held in Mr. Pleasant Presbyterian Church November 21.
Lloyd Barnes of Amherst Township has been appointed county supervisor for this district succeeding Walter Miller.
Fire at the home of Phillip Dorr last week destroyed a 16 x 48 chicken house. There was no loss of poultry.
Evelyn Nester won first prize on posters in the contest sponsored by the Marcus Woman’s Club and the Tourist Club.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Pearson are the parents of a son born Saturday, November 25.
A business deal was made in Marcus last week by which R.E. Smith sold his ice cream parlor to Harm Lage of Cushing.
80 Years Ago – 1944
Dr. and Mrs. Doyle Simonsen of Quimby are the parents of a son born to them Wednesday, November 15 at Sioux Valley Hospital in Cherokee.
Mrs. John Smith passed away at 6 p.m. November 17 at her home in Cleghorn at the age of 84 years.
Harvey Giebe was honored at a birthday party Sunday evening November 19, when a number of friends and relatives called.
Mr. & Mrs. John Boever are the parents of a daughter born to them Sunday, November 19 at their home.
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Reed recently received a letter from their daughter. Elanore, who is employed as a welder in Seattle, Washington. In the letter she state she alone recently welded a 10 ton truck which was sent to the Philippine Island.
75 Years Ago -1949
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ohlendorf, long time residents of Marcus, will observe their golden wedding anniversary Tuesday, December 6.
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Muehl were guests to honor an anniversary dinner Sunday at the Bar-W Cafe in Remsen in honor of their 25th wedding anniversary.
Mr. & Mrs. John Holmes were honored on their 46th wedding anniversary Saturday evening when a group of friends and neighbors called.
Funeral services were held in the holy Name Church here Monday morning for Tom Fitzgibbon, 86. Mr. Fitzgibbon had been a farm worker in the Maryhill vicinity and had no immediate relatives.
Two members of the Marcus Eagles football squad were named on Northwest Iowa teams selected by Charles Tye superintendent of the Orange City school. Dick Rattary quarterback was named as utility back on the third team and Walt Means guard on the fourth team.
70 Years Ago -1954
W.W. Bass of Marcus has purchased a half interest in the Paullina Sales Pavilion from Karl Kracht. Mr. Bass partner in the firm in Ronald Clark who has been in the business for a number of years.
Mr. & Mrs. Emil Engelbrecht who formerly operated the Idle Hour Cafe in Marcus and sold it to Mr. & Mrs. John Bentz a few years ago, have disposed of their cafe in Remsen.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fenton of Plattsmouth, Nebraska are the parents of a son born Friday, November 19 at St. Catherine’s hospital at Omaha.
Betty Broblek has honored on her birthday at a supper Sunday evening in the home of her parents Mr. & Mrs. Joe Broblek.
Mrs. Alvina Schmillen entertained at a birthday party Thursday afternoon honoring her sister Mrs. Elizabeth Faulke of Remsen. There were eleven ladies present.
65 Years Ago -1959
Mr. & Mrs. George Grauer celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Sunday, November 22 at an open house at the Methodist Church parlors.
Dick Ames is nursing a lacerated left hand as the result of getting it in a v-belt on a corn picker Tuesday. He lost the finger nail on his middle finger.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Nilles of Remsen are the parents of a daughter born Monday, November 23 at the Sacred Heart hospital in LeMars.
Three members of the Marcus Community school football team were on the honor list of the Iowa. Dally Press Associations 1959 all state football team. They were Vern Johnson tackle, Barry Grauer, guard and Marlin Weicht, back.
Leo Toner, 84 and long time resident of Cherokee County, died at midnight Wednesday, November 18 at the home of his son, Lester, in San Diego, California where he made his home for the past nine years
60 Years Ago -1964
Dwane Little has resigned as superintendent of the Marcus Community Schools, a position which he assumed last summer, his resignation was due to ill health.
Mr. & Mrs. Jake Means of Sioux City are parents of their first child a daughter born Wednesday, November 18 at the Lutheran hospital in Sioux City.
Mark Bancroft this week moved into his new law offices in what was the Charles Niemann building south of the Gund building on the corner.
A surprise was held in th ehome of Mrs. Maggie Drefke Monday evening November 16 in honor of her birthday.
Mrs. Verna Kruse of Granville was the winner of the blanket given away Saturday evening at Nagle’s Apparel.
55 Years Ago -1969
Mrs. Geroge Lukin, 75 of Marcus, passed away Thursday morning November 20 in Sioux Valley hospital in Cherokee.
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Simons of Cedar Rapids became the parents of their first child at daughter born Wednesday, November 12.
Art Johnson, 84 died Monday in Cherokee after a two year illness. He had lived in Cherokee the past 31 years after retiring from farming in the Marcus area.
A roaring flame about 150 feet high and huge pillar of smoke resulted from a break in the propane pipeline at the Mid-American pumping station west of town about 4 o’clock Tuesday afternoon. The station is in a corn field two miles west and mile north of Marcus, farmed by Elmer Theisen. Damage to the plant was set at about $10,000 and there was some damage to the corn field.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Seggerman are the proud parents of twin boys, their first child, born Tuesday, November 11 at Lompac, California.
50 Years Ago -1974
Ray Gates of the Ray Gates Insurance Agency, Marcus was recently a special guest at an open house commemorating the new home office building of Tri-State Insurance Company of Minnesota.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Engelbrecht of South Sioux City, Nebraska are parents of a son born November 12.
A former Marcus resident, Cecil Toner 63 of Des Moines, passed away after a long illness on November 18.
Clare DeKoster, Vice President and Director of Agencies for the Webster Life Insurance Company whose home office is in Spirit Lake, announced that Jim Smith of James Smith Insurance of Marcus has been selected Webster Life “Agent of the Month” for October.
Ernest Kaufman, 79 of Marcus, died late Wednesday afternoon November 20 after a lingering illness.
45 Years Ago – 1979
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Shea of Marcus are proud parents of a son born November 1 at Floyd Valley Hospital.
Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. Anthony Dill, 64, the former Lillian Peterson of Fort Meyers, Florida on November 13 after a long illness.
On Sunday, November 4 Mrs. Rose Lage was honored at the Peace Lutheran Church with an open house celebrating her 90th birthday.
On Sunday, November 18, many relatives gathered at Holy Name Basement to honor Mrs. Ned Bork on her 83rd birthday.
Valarie Slagter, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Slagter of Marcus, is one of 28 Morningside College seniors selected by the National Directory to appear in “Who’s Who Among Students at American Universities.”