From the Past Files Of The Marcus News
110 Years Ago – 1914
Ed Keleher started work Monday putting in a new heating system in the Peters’s garage.
105 Years Ago -1919
Florence Woodall, Marie Walsh and Paulline Schwartz are the young ladies from this vicinity who were successful in passing the teacher’s examination held at Cherokee in January.
This is vacation time for quite a number of public school pupils who have been sent home from school on account of having broke out with a rash, which is believed to be measles in a light form.
Joe Hobbs last Saturday, purchased from George Pimperton 21 head of cattle for which he paid $2,710, this being the biggest price ever paid in Marcus for a single a load of cattle.
100 Years Ago – 1924
Mrs. R.J. Pattison’s home was the scene of a pretty function when she and Mrs. Roger Leavitt entertained at a one o’clock luncheon Wednesday.
About 40 boys are members of the Boy Scouts which was organized four weeks ago.
Mr. & Mrs. C.W. Harrison, who live south of Marcus, celebrated their silver wedding anniversary, February 22.
Frank Garvin left Monday for Lincoln, Nebraska where he will remain for a few days transacting business.
95 Years Ago -1929
Emmet Ryan nearly had a serious accident when the alcohol in his car ran out on the engine and caught fire. He had a shovel with him and smothered the fire with snow.
The Alice Collins and Florence Carey schools enjoyed a Valentine party Thursday afternoon.
Lou McDaniel and family are moving to Cleghorn. Mr. McDaniel is employed in a barber shop in LeMars.
Doris Nelson was honored at a farewell party last Saturday afternoon in the home of her teacher.
On Tuesday evening another of Marcus’ citizens Emil Digel passed away after an illness of only a few hours.
E.C. Walrod, proprietor of the Subway Bob and Barber Shop has sold his shop to Lattman and Nelson of Sioux City and possession will be given in two weeks.
85 Years Ago -1939
S.M. Wixcel brought several old papers into the Marcus News Office last week. One was dated May 2, 1779, and told of the inauguration of George Washington, first president of the US. The other was dated January 4, 1800. This paper was draped in mourning and carried the story of the death of President Washington.
The John Hamilton family is moving into the house owned by Mrs. Fannie Brady.
Fire damaged the Jake Roseen home southwest of Marcus and the Harvey Miller home on old Highway 5 last week.
Dirp or regular coffee 26 cents for one pound can and 51 cents for a two pound can.
Stanley Simons won second place in the 165 pound class at the wrestling meet in Fort Dodge.
Seed for sale: Wisconsin barley 75 cents a bushel; Illinois soy beans $1.00 a bushel.
80 Years Ago – 1944
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Dunn received word that their son Delbert arrived safely in Australia.
Francis Wilbertding has purchased the home owned by Forest Marshall. The house occupied by the Wilberding family the past two years and known as the Brady home has been purchased by Stanley Addy.
Pvt. Wilmar Schmillen of Richmond, VA, has been promoted to the rank of corporal.
Straub’s Store advertised coffee, Folgers, 1 lb for 32 cents; catsup, gallon, 98 cents, and corn, no 2 can 9 cents.
75 Years Ago -1949
The local fire department was called north of town Wednesday evening when the wiring in Jens Petersen’s Ford sorted and burned. The fire shorted and burned. The fire was extinguished with no great damage.
Michael Kelly, 70, resident of this community for 66 years, passed away in his home after a long and painful illness.
Mr. & Mrs. Vic Sjostrom returned Friday from a two month trip through California where they spent some time in Los Angeles.
Dr. W.H. Dubois has taken over the practice of the late Dr. O.C. Grote at Pierson.
A demonstration of interest to the homemakers of Marcus will be given at the Marshall Decorating Store in Marcus.
70 Years Ago -1954
A new firm has been organized here to manufacture “Combo Sweeps.” The industry will be known as the G & M Manufacturing Company with Alert Grauer and Elmer Wallin as members.
Chris Miller, local pool shark, proved himself to be the champion snooker player of the Marcus community by winning the Class A division of the tournament at the Victory Billards here.
An advertisement in this weeks issue of the News announces the opening of a new business place in Marcus, the East Side Cafe.
Mrs. Mary Frank. 70 of Remsn passed away Saturday, February 20.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bentz held a farewell dinner on Sunday in honor of their son Leon, who is leaving for the Army Air Corps.
65 Years Ago -1959
The sale of the Wilcox Produce in Marcus to Andrew Meehan was announced this week.
John Garvin, 37, passed away in Philadelphia after a lingering illness.
Don Geringer was hired as street commissioner and day marshall at the meeting of the town council Monday evening.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Johnson and family are moving from the Arthur Dorr farm and will take residence on a farm north of LeMars.
The Idle Hour Cafe in Marcus is being completely decorated with Carl and Bob Hagey doing the work under the supervision of the cafe’s patrons.
Shirley Dorr of Marcus was awarded a Master of ARts degree in History at the State University of Iowa on Saturday, February 7.
Mrs. Ralph Porter celebrated her 80th birthday Monday, February 18.
60 Years Ago -1964
Mrs. L.L.Norris had the misfortune of fracturing her left arm in a fall a week ago Saturday.
Cathy Ferrin, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Orville Ferrin is the Marcus Comunity School 1964 Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Seel of Remsen will observe their 50th wedding anniversary on Sunday, February 23.
Ellwood Green 64, and widely known resident of Marcus, met death Tuesday morning when his car was struck by an Illinois Central passenger train at a crossing a mile east of Marcus.
55 Years Ago -1969
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Gettner and children Dickie and Tina have moved to Emporia, Kansas.
Juliann Brady, student nurse was crowned Sweetheart Queen at the 14th Annual Sweetheart Ball of St. Joseph Mercy School of Nursing.
The William Berger family of rural Marcus dominated quite a share of the Sioux City Journal’s Farm Weekly magazine.
Kathy Brownmiller underwent an appendectomy at Floyd Valley Hospital in LeMars.
50 Years Ago -1974
Don Drefke, son of Mr. & Mrs. D.W. Drefke, graduated from the Dallas Institute of Mortuary Science.
Mrs. Elizabeth Kielhorn, 89, of Fullerton, CA, passed away following a short illness.
Mrs. Don Simons has returned home from St. Joseph Hospital in Sioux City where she is revocering from a broken hip.
Dr. E.L. Wiemers has resigned as Superintendent of the MEntal Health Institute, Cherokee due to reasons fo health. However, he will continue to be a member of the clinical staff.
Iowa Public Service Company today announnced plans to construct a $240,00,00. electic generating plant in the Port Neal Industrial area south of Sioux City.
45 Years Ago – 1979
The third time wasn’t quite a charm for the Marcus Eaglettes as the Hinton Black Hawks slipped away with a 66-57 victory in sectional tournament play.
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Bindner returned home last Thursday from a trip to Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil.
Roy Kintigh,, 75, of Cleghorn passed away at Sioux Valley Memorial Hospital in Cherokee after a recent illness.
Mr. & Mrs. Horstman of Marcus are happy to announce the arrival of a baby daughter born Monday, February 12 at Baum-Harmon Hospital in Primghar
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Wurth of Corning are the pround parents of a son born February 17.
40 Years Ago –1984
Brian McIntire advances to wrestling districts after placing second at sections on Saturday.
Employees of Farmers Cooperative Elevator of Marcus received special recognition at the Gold Prospector Award Banquet.
Corinne Alesch has joined the faculty of Western Iowa Tech Community College as an accounting instructor in the Business Occupations Division.
Sue Rosener, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rosener, has been selected to represent MHS in the Achievement Awards in Writing competition sponsored annually by the National Council of Teachers of English.